Law Enforcement Agency Partners

TAPA APAC provides its LEA members with 24/7 access to a searchable cargo crime intelligence database, allowing them to filter searches for cargo crimes based on specific criteria such as country, date of incident, type of incident, modus operandi, location, products stolen, loss value, and more.

Law Enforcement Agencies play a crucial and esteemed role in combating supply chain crime within the Asia Pacific region, making them eligible for free membership in TAPA APAC.

TAPA APAC collaborates closely with its Law Enforcement Agency partners across the region. This collaboration includes intelligence sharing on cargo crime at both national and regional levels, with police forces recognizing the value of TAPA APAC’s information in preventing crimes. An increasing number of LEAs see sharing incident information with TAPA APAC as an effective way to disseminate useful intelligence to a large and growing community of loss prevention stakeholders.

Currently, TAPA APAC boasts over 30 LEA members from across the region and actively seeks additional intelligence sharing partnerships with Law Enforcement Agencies in every country in APAC. The Association aims to enhance its members’ understanding of cargo crime trends in each market and support their supply chain security programs.

By joining TAPA APAC, LEA representatives gain access to a wide range of information about supply chain attacks occurring across the region and the available supply chain security solutions to combat cargo crime. They can network directly with other LEA members and the broader supply chain security professional community, receive regular news updates, and participate in webinars and conferences to gather valuable intelligence.

LEA members also appreciate the single Points of Contact within the supply chain industry facilitated by TAPA APAC, enhancing their ability to collaborate effectively with key stakeholders.

Year-long Benefits as a TAPA APAC Member:

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How can we help you?

Our Standards Team will answer any questions you have about the TAPA Security Standards. You can contact the team directly using the Standards Question Submission Form.

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