Guarding Security Requirements (GSR)

The TAPA Guarding Security Requirements (GSR) specifies the minimum acceptable security standards for secure Guarding places and used by vehicle intended for the movement of goods by road.

This Standard is only applicable to the TAPA APAC region but may in time be revised to be accepted and promoted in EMEA and AMR regions. GSR is a Standard that can be referenced in agreements between Buyers, Logistics Service Providers, Guarding Operations and/or other Applicants seeking a TAPA Partnership, Certification or a Mutual Recognition Agreement based on TAPA GSR.

In the development of this Standard, TAPA recognizes the multiple differences in how Guarding Security services are provided and that the GSR may apply to all or part of the services provided by a Guarding Operator. GSR may apply to Guarding Operator owned or operated facilities.

Typical users of the TAPA Standards include:

  • Buyers of logistics services
  • Logistic Service Providers and associated suppliers
  • Law Enforcement or other government organizations
  • Professional Supply Chain Organizations

To be certified for TAPA GSR, the Supply Chain Service Provider (SSP)/Applicant is required to implement the methods outlined in the Standard and pass the audit process, either through the Self-Audit option by TAPA Authorized Auditors (AA) for the minimum level (TAPA APAC certification), or an external audit by TAPA-Approved Independent Audit Bodies (IABs) for all levels of GSR certification (IAB certification). The success of GSR implication depends on the accuracy of interpretation, adoptions and audit of the requirements between the buyers, suppliers and auditors. In rare suitations, SSP/Applicant may be faced with a need to request for Waivers on specific security requirement(s) in part or whole on behalf of the Buyer. TAPA APAC will asess individually and to determine if the request can be approved. Shadow Audits may be conducted by TAPA APAC at the association’s discretion to ensure that the LSP/Applicant upholds the Standard requirements after the LSP/Applicant achieves the GSR certification.

3 levels of GSR certification available:

  • GSR Level 1: Elevated Security Protection (IAB certification)
  • GSR Level 2: Moderate Security Protection (IAB certification)
  • GSR Level 3: Basic Security Protection (IAB certification or TAPA APAC certification)


Upcoming GSR Training

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Guarding Security Requirements Training

FSR outlines the processes and specifications for Suppliers to attain TAPA certification for their facilities and transit operations.

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How can we help you?

Our Standards Team will answer any questions you have about the TAPA Security Standards. You can contact the team directly using the Standards Question Submission Form.

Standards & Certifications

The security standards established by TAPA are widely recognized as industry-leading standards for enhancing supply chain resilience across the globe.